Monday, August 11, 2014

Am i in the right relationship?

I am sure each person would have wondered at least once if they were in the right relationship? This is not to refer only to mate relationships but yes, very often that is the relationship that we find ourselves questioning the most.

While growing up, we were told that opposites attract each other & hence are best suited for each other. As we begin to experience ourselves through relationships, however, the opposites don’t seem to be so “attractive” anymore as we spent our lives with them. Why is that so? If that was true then why were we guided to accept them?

Let me try and show this in another light. Ever been to a mirror to tie shoe laces? Not really I guess.  Why? Because we can see our shoes and our shoes laces just by merely bending. So what do we go to a mirror for? We go to a mirror to see what we can’t see as clearly through our naked eye or maybe to get a better perspective. Similarly, those opposites that we tend to get drawn to, serve us as our mirrors in our evolution. They show us what we can’t see within or maybe what we need a better / higher perspective on. This way, they serve our growth in a big way & allow us to become better & more accepting individuals. However, it’s not so easy to live with them. When the mirror shows us something we’d rather look away from, it’s not easy to accept it as us. We are quick to blame, to resent & to believe what we chose for ourselves was indeed the “wrong” relationship.

Whatever we experience, good or bad, has a reason to exist in our lives and till we have learnt what it came to teach us, it stays & at times bothers us too. While in a relationship, it’s important to see what we are “being” while we are living that relationship. If a relationship is our biggest desire but while living it, we are mostly fearful of losing it, then we are “being” fear through it. On the other hand, a relationship which is abusive & we resent & hate it, while we mostly spend our time reminding us of our power & ability to deal with it, then we are being “empowered” through it. So from a higher perspective, both are serving us to show us something about us & also moving us towards self realisation. Once we align ourselves to witnessing ourselves while we are in any relationship, we can slowly understand & appreciate it’s purpose.

Understanding that something you don’t want / like has a purpose doesn’t really end the concern. The next step is to resolve / heal the relationship. For this, one can identify the reasons for why they attracted this relationship at a sub-conscious level through Serenity Surrender (SS) or Past Life Regression(PLR). Once done, these techniques are therapeutic and can help release the negativity in a situation / relationship / person & allow them to live in more empowered life.

For more details on healing, please refer to or write to Minal Arora at

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Proof Of Past Life Memories Being Real

Many of you would be wondering if past lives are real. Can we actually experience our past lives? Sometimes we might even question, why experience past lives? Isn’t living in the present moment the best thing to do?

The answer to these questions lie in further questions. Are you sure you understand all that is happening in your life / relationships? Do we all not have the sense of the presence of a force that stops us at times when we are close to getting what we want or for that matter a force that allows us to have something which we hadn’t imagined? Yes, weather we are logical or scientific, doesn’t matter but the unresolved memories of our past always interfere in this moment. It’s like they are very much “alive” in this moment and hence whatever we do or feel, they are able to contribute to it at the sub-conscious level.

Here have been many instances where people have been able to go to their past and experience things which they were unaware of in the current life but they were validated to have existed. Sometimes people start speaking languages that they don’t know in this life and sometimes even ancient languages which are extinct on this planet too.

Dr Ian Stevenson, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia Medical School, has spent many years investigating claims by several children across the globe that they could recall a past life. Some of them could see dreams of places that were not in their current environment or absolutely foreign. Some of them will even know names, the way they died and maybe who killed them. Many such cases were reported from India itself. Many of these children were under the age of 5. He interviewed over four thousand children from the United States, England, Thailand, Burma, Turkey, Lebanon, Canada, India and other places, who claimed that they could remember a number of incidents from a past life.

He verified documents, letters, places, autopsy records, birth and death certificates, hospital records, photographs, newspaper reports and so much more. For many of them physical verification was done in both their current place of existence as well as where they claimed they were living earlier. He has written several books on the “suggestive reincarnation” topic.

The last thing to remember is, if we believe, it’s a whole new world to explore and we might find answers that we always looked for when we open up to the depths of our past. If we are a non-believer, then also, we will live those unresolved emotions / those fears that come from nowhere and those setbacks that are unexplained. It’s just that we can deny facing it as ourselves.
For more details on Past Life Regression Therapy, please refer to